Friday 20 November 2009

Task number 68: See Eddie Izzard perform live.

After months of waiting, I finally achieved this one. On 11 November 2009 I rented a car and went to see Stripped at the SECC in Glasgow with Rebekah, Ben, his flatmate John, Camilla, Tor, and three Norwegian friends of theirs.

He was still pretty funny – I was glad to see he'd pulled back from the crudeness of Sexie and gone back to his thinking-man's-comedy roots. Although maybe a little too much – he became quite self-referential: for example, dropping "covered in bees!" (one of the most memorable lines from previous shows) occasionally into the dialogue. This is fine if (like me) you've listened to his 1990s and early 2000s shows time and time again, and don't need such lines to be in context to make sense, but it's not so great for trying to convince newcomers to be fans.

Still, I was glad to see the jokes weren't as rude as the picture on the poster suggested. Also, he seems to have stopped dressing like a woman. Is he getting too old for it? :P

Here is a review from the Guardian. It's a year old, but it's the same show, and says everything rather well, I feel.